Learning to code: it’s as easy and as complex as that.
There is more than meets the eye to implementing programmatic workflows in a biological context. Here are a few of my top tips for those post-introductory-level biologists new to coding.
There is more than meets the eye to implementing programmatic workflows in a biological context. Here are a few of my top tips for those post-introductory-level biologists new to coding.
As a way to make the most of the COVID-19 shutdown, life scientists around the world are looking to upskill in data analysis tools and techniques. Luckily, it is now incredibly simple to get going with a basic python install in a beginner-friendly editor which is easily extensible to incorporate, even encourage, basic code hygiene. Check out my new favourite setup for python programming: VSCode and Anaconda.
With half my home state on fire and the lead up to Christmas, this post has been in the works for a few weeks. But here it is! My brief recap of my recent adventure to BioInfoSummer 2019.
All the nitty gritty details of how I sourced, processed and cleaned the raw data then produced the visualisations for my Investigating the Investigators 2019 post!
After release of the most recent NHMRC Fellowship funding, I flexed my data-science muscles to see what the outcomes of the scheme were overall, and what a successful application might look like for the next round.
Another installment in my Toolbox series, this time focusing on HDF5 files as a powerful way to store big data!
The latest in my Toolbox series focuses on Atom: the best, most hackable text editor for writing, programming and data analysis!
A few weeks ago I braved a Melbourne winter weeknight to attend my very first PyLadies Meetup. Here’s a little bit about the adventure, and why you should definitely get along to a meetup near you!
My first passionate post about the benefits of programming for life scientists comes after a weekend exploring the interactive plotting library Bokeh.
A quick recap of the recent ASPP Summer School held in Melbourne, Australia.