Lorne Proteins 2020
For anyone who wasn’t at Lorne, or didn’t get a chance to say hi, here is a brief run-down of the work I presented this year!
For anyone who wasn’t at Lorne, or didn’t get a chance to say hi, here is a brief run-down of the work I presented this year!
Making an eye-catching but informative scientific poster can be challenging – what would I as a reader want/need to know? Is this a design that would catch my eye from across the room? What makes it stand out? Is it so busy as to be nauseating? Here are a few of my tips for beautiful, artful poster-making in science.
A quick overview of my recent conference adventure to the USA, complete with some important lessons I learnt along the way.
For anyone who wasn’t at Lorne, or didn’t get a chance to say hi, here is a brief run-down of the work I presented this year!
A few words about my recent submission to a sciart exhibition, raising funds for Motor Neuron Disease (MND) research.
Recap of my latest research manuscript published in the Journal of Biological Chemistry.
a little bit of context on my PhD research goals and why I am interested in the lifeguards of our cellular proteome