a few words on why I’m here

a few words on why I’m here

Truth be told, I don’t know that even I am sure why I am here. But if I am honest,  I think the idea has been tumbling around, gathering dust, in the back of my brain for a while.

In 2013, I travelled to Cambridge, UK for 6 months as part of my postgraduate research. I had many people who asked for updates and photos of my travels, and the first ‘site’ I ever established began with that in mind. To this day, it has never progressed. I was always intimidated by putting my thoughts on ‘paper’ and the idea that I would spend time writing non-scientific pieces seemed ludicrous during my PhD. However, I am starting to understand the value of this process.

“Start writing, no matter what. The water does not flow until the faucet is turned on”Louis L’Amour

So my goal is to write. To ramble, in fact! Many of the blogs I regularly read give similar things – a sense of reassurance that the way I feel and the experiences I have in the world of science are not unique, and I am not alone. My thoughts may not be that helpful, interesting or insightful, but it will be me. Conquering my fear. Maybe that is all I can hope for.If you’re reading this, thanks for jumping on board with me. I really appreciate your support and hope you find something of value to add to your scientific journey.